Production of horticulture crops in India reached a record 331.05 million metric tons.
In Telangana Horticulture crops are grown in an area of 12.40 lakh acres with a production of 71.52 lakh MTs
Vegetable Crops: Land holdings are in general small in our country and in our state. Changing food habits of people and increasing awareness of people towards balanced diet adding more vegetables to their food basket. These factors fueled farmers to produce more vegetables. In Telangana vegetables are grown in 3.11 Lakhs Acres producing 23.46 lakh metric tons of vegetables. More than 20varities of vegetablesare grown in Telangana, there is a huge demand to grow deficit vegetables. Telangana government started Crop Cololonies model to balance the seasonal deficit production of vegetables.

Tomato, Brinjal, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Cucumber, Carrot & Radish are surplus vegetables grown in Telangana.
Bhendi, Greenchilli, Gourds, Beans, Capsicum, Potato, Colacasia, Yam, Leafy vegetables & Onion are deficit vegetables in Telangana. Huge opportunity exists to earn by cultivating these deficit vegetables.
FRUITS:As discussed earlier India is a home for various climatic conditions and it allows us to grow a wide range of fruits. Fruit growing is one of the important and age old practices, practiced in India since ancient times. Cultivation of fruit crops plays an important role in overall status of the mankind and the nation. The standard of living of the people of a country is depending upon the production and per capita consumption of fruits. Fruit growing have more economic advantages and having fruits in daily basis is very important for in human diet.
In Telangana every year in 4.2 lakh acres on average 2.48 million tons of fruits are being grown.
High productivity: From a unit area of land more yield is realized from fruit crops than any of the agronomic crops. The average yields of Papaya, Banana and Grapes are 10 to 15 times than that of agronomic crops.
High net profit: Through, the initial cost of establishment of an orchard is high, it is compensated by higher net profit due to higher productivity or high value of produce.
Mango: Telangana is known for its mango varieties and foreign exports. Telangana is the 4th largest mango producer in India, contributes 1.6 million tons of mangoes every year in 1.2 lakhs hactare. Baneshan, Banganapalli, Bangalora, Himayeth, Dashehari, Cherukurasam are some of the most grown varieties of mangoes in telangana apart from alphonso, neelam, dassheri. You could say that a farmer could expect around 1 Lakh rupees per year from one acre of mango plantation
Lemon: Citrus production has increased from 1.73 million tons in 1970 to 14 million tons at an average annual rate of 5.24%. One acre lemon can earn Rs 3 Lakh annually for farmers.
Boppaya : India produces the highest number of papayas in the world as it produces around 2 million tons when the entire world production is around 6 Million tons. With an average yield of 30 tons per acre, a farmer could easily make approximately 3.5 lakhs per crop (usually 3 Years).
Dragon Fruit: India has seen surge in market price of this fruit. Farmers in Telangana are also showing more interest in this cultivation as this crop is suitable to our climatic conditions. Farmers can earn more than 3 lakhs per acre.
Sapota : India wise Telangana stands 8th position in production. Farmer gets on an average Rupees 1 lakh per acre.
Guava: Guava is having various vitamins and rich antioxidants and 4th most produced fruit crop in India. Guava yields rupees 1 lakh per acre.
Custard Apple: Telangana produces on average 17 thousand tons in every year. Custard Apple yields Rupees 1 Lakh per acre.